When I started this blog, I stated that I was doing it to play around with WordPress. I’m continuing to do this. Most of the things are “back end” administration type things. But this week I started to get more embarrassed by the default theme. So I messed around with the header. That goes a long way, getting rid of that slightly gradient blue blob up top. More changes soon.
Best day ever
Today the whole family spent the whole day together. Swimming lessons were followed by a trip to play in the air-conditioned mall. Lunch at the food court was followed by a trip to the circus and french fries Friday. All the boys went to bed easily and the Tribe has the lead. AND we saw Grandma on her birthday!
Pay no attention to the header
I’m just playing around. I realize there is a faint trace of blue border…and I really don’t think it is all that attractive. I downloaded the GIMP image editing software and played for a couple of minutes. Tomorrow I’ll put together a header that is consistent with the MatthewK.com brand.
By the way. I HAVE been musing online since about 1997. Starting on Tripod then moving the MatthewK.com in 1999.
I just upgraded WordPress
So if things are pretty FUBAR here….shoot me an email. Thanks
Looking like a bald eagle
Ok – Breaking the series theme. This is a picture the Lovely Joyce took at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo today. More over at Flickr.
*tap* *tap* Is this thing on?
Ok, I confess. I have been a slacker in posting here. I think I warned that I might be. Especially since my employer now requires me to blog weekly on our corporate blog. For some reason, I tend take that commitment more seriously than this space.
You are thinking “Waaah! One post a week!” ! know. But gosh. Sometimes I just can’t think of anything to post. I mean. I posted some pretty embarrassing pictures and you hardly piled on the mockery!
Looking Like Alfred E. Neuman
This is a side-by-side comparison. I’m the one on the right.
You can learn more about the guy on the left here. My brothers will appreciate this most of anyone. They remember me in second grade, when this picture was taken. They also read MAD.
Looking Like, Totally Eighties
This must be from about 1986 or 1987. The shadows make it look like I had a Kid ‘N Play. Not really. my hair casts a long shadow even when worn in a butch cut. I publish this for laughs, and to remind anyone of my generation just how cool we were when we combined the Wayfarers and the skinny tie. (Actually, they were cheap Wayfarer imitations.)
Looking Like a Kid at Christmas
I’m still looking for the image of me in my red Indians jersey. But the search has uncovered snapshots I had totally forgotten Not to mention the actual events pictured.
Here I am holding my new firetruck. There was a period when I was between three and five years old in which I was obsessed with firetrucks. I was fortunate, because there was an auxiliary firehouse on my street. It was used to store a spare truck and my mother had access to the building. She tells me she could just open the man door to the garage and I would be transfixed, staring at the truck. I still remember the smell of the rubber and canvas on the hoses. And the spiders. Good times.
Looking Like A Cowboy
But why stop at one embarrassing picture? If I am looking at this Christmas picture correctly, I seem to have a toy gun in my hand. Can you even BUY a silver-plated toy cap gun anymore? I think I am wearing cowboy Jammies. I’m guessing this was about 1969 or 1970.