A time for turning the page

One chapter closes
It is time to turn the page
What will happen next?

A very personal poem about a big change.  Today was my last day working as an employee of Fathom.  While I will work on a contract basis for some key accounts , I have launched my own consulting firm.Bright Kestrel Digital Marketing for small business

Bright Kestrel, Ltd. will help small businesses, nonprofits and churches improve their digital marketing.


The .htaccess poem

.htaccess file
Why do you bedevil me?
Oops! Bye bye website.

The file in question is integral to Apache web servers. It is can do wonderful things when letters, numbers, and certain characters are arranged in the correct order.  It can also take down a website if the letters, numbers, and certain characters are not in the correct arrangement. The devil is always in the binary details.

They say you should “write what you know”. This, I know.

Coffee maker


A bleary-eyed need
the brewing relief

Who will clean the pot?

Filling the basket,
grounds delight me
I smell Colombian

Who will clean the pot?

Reduced and powerful liquid
changing state
to solid

Who will clean the pot?

This is a poem I found in my year 2000 planner.  Sadly, I can confirm that coworkers are not any better at cleaning the office coffee pot in 2015.

A disco dancer’s lament

Some days I feel old
Showed off my disco dance moves
Sore muscles followed

We had an all-day conference at work today.  After lunch the moderator helped the crowd get our energy up by asking us all to break into small groups and bust out some dance moves.

Luckily, when I was in eighth grade the Sisters of Notre Dame taught us how to disco before our class dance.  I’m not as limber as I was when I was thirteen.

A haiku for Mondays

Another Monday
The first day of the work week
Carpe diem, friends!

I realize that not all of us work Monday through Friday.  As I think about it, not many people I know actually take the whole weekend off.  The spirit of this poem is to encourage us all to make the most of every day.