Composition? Ha!
We used to waste all that film
Now we just delete
Category: Poems
A haiku for Ash Wednesday
Ashes to ashes
No meat, no snacks, smudged foreheads
And now Lent begins
A haiku for the 2016 New Hampshire Primary
Donald had a win
That pinko Bernie did, too
I’m shaking my head
Toaster Catapult
The Sunbeam heats up
Strong springs send the toast flying
Catch it with your plate
Super Bowl 50 Haiku
The Broncos prevail
Cam had not one chance to dab
Manning grabs his Buds
Pumping Brakes
No speed limit signs
Officer parks, half hidden
Tell it to the judge
Tick Toc Not
No tick toc of time
Hours pass with no noise now
Watches are not wound
Francis or Frances
Francis or Frances
A name can tell you so much
One vowel does it
Neckties of the better schools
Neckties proudly worn
School colors send subtle signs
I’m better than you
Beach feet
Flip flops are flipped off
Feet feel sand hot from the sun
Run to the water