Christmas presents

It is mid-December and the holiday is fast approaching. When you have four boys, none yet teenagers, Christmas is a time of great expectation.

My boys have taken to saying “I’m getting [insert gift here] for Christmas.” I don’t know if they have a great spy network, have been snooping in hiding places or have conducted better internet usage surveillance than Homeland Security. When I was young I never really thought I was going to get what I wanted or asked for. I was truly surprised Christmas morning.

I correct them by saying “You have ASKED for [insert gift here] for Christmas, we will have to see.” They just look at me like I’m clueless.

We will just have to wait and see. Personally, I’m gettin’ nuttin’ for Christmas.


What have we become?

Baltimore burning
Visions of hell on TV
What have we become?


I remember my mother telling us stories of the Hough Riots in Cleveland.  Upon hearing them, I thought this sort of madness was in our past.  Sadly, I was mistaken.

A Poem for Willoughby South

A Poem for Willoughby South

Today the First Amendment was abused,
as a cudgel, it has been used.

Used to shut down a high school play,
a student opera to premier today.

Children practiced for weeks, for months,
but plans were dashed all at once.

A letter from lawyers was received,
its contents were not to be believed.

Desist your plans or actions will be taken!
Injunctions will be filed, don’t be mistaken!

Your grievous threat to freedom must be halted.
Church and State separation must be exalted.

Zealots against religion went medieval
upon hearing kids may ponder good and evil.

We can’t tolerate any hint of religiosity.
Freedom of speech for the secular, but not for thee!

The episode that inspired this entry occurred at South High School.