Public Square glowing
Cleveland is decorated
Winter nights made bright
Festive Public Square. Cleveland, Ohio
— Matt Keough (@MattKeough) December 3, 2016
Public Square glowing
Cleveland is decorated
Winter nights made bright
Festive Public Square. Cleveland, Ohio
— Matt Keough (@MattKeough) December 3, 2016
Christmas radio
Carols playing for weeks now
Click! Turning it off
Abundant mistrust
Factions fighting to fracture
Lusting for power
“To-do” list is checked
Let’s head to the pond and fish
Cast away your cares
Ink-stained watchdog
blind in one eye
Took a deep nap
and eight years passed by
When the winds changed
he awoke from the dead
He shook off the sleep
to bound out of his bed
His ears pinned back
he began to howl
All that was fair
he now sees as foul
TV ever glows
Sounds, images emanate
Should we bask in it?
The panicked voter
So used to getting his way
Perspective is lost
No joy on this night
I don’t like either of them
I mourn honor lost
Voted absentee
Had to use the ballpoint pen
Dignity intact
Trending on Twitter
Lies, distortions, misplaced rage
Maybe just log off