It seems that the administrative and technical issues are mostly resolved. A small consideration, if you subscribed to the Matthew Musing RSS feed, it will be discontinued in about 29 days. The feed you see at the right is the new feed. Please update your subscription.
Category: Blogging
Pardon our digital dust
I’ve just upgraded the WordPress version and database required for the blog, so it may be a few days of inconsistent availability. It is fortunate in times like these that most days the Matt Keough Blog does not receive any visitors 🙂
Lame and Matt both have four letters
But so do “cool” and “dude”, so back off. I thought that the first post of 2010 should at least fall in January. So Happy New Year, Happy Epiphany. (Both belated, of course.) Coming soon; my tale of the telemarketer.
Matt is back
I never really went away. I’ve just not posted in some time. Sorry if you have tried to subscribe to my RSS feed. It has man-made issues. I might work it out. I might not. Maybe I’ll just start from scratch.
I am the mullet man
Thanks to my big brother looking through old photos, the much anticipated visual proof of Matt in a mullet can be shared. This picture only hints that it would eventually hit way below my collar. It was the 80’s and I was a fan of U2.
Where Are You, Matt?
I’m right here. But posting has been light. Family stuff, work stuff and a lack of newly acquired embarrassing pictures from my youth are contributing factors. The lovely Joyce has been picking up the slack at Stop Me When I Am Lying, so stop by there as well.
The Brand
Much of my daily work life is concerned with developing, promoting and protecting my clients’ brand. I’m not the only marketing type to recognize that individuals have a brand and the associated brand promise, as well. The most obvious individuals are running for office.
I’m not running for office. I joked in an earlier post that I was going to change the website to align with my brand. So, I have a favor to ask. Please drop a comment with your impression of this website.
Why do you think it exists? Why do you visit? What would cause you to never come back?
I can take it. Remember, Matt Keough is not synonymous with Really.
The New Look
When I started this blog, I stated that I was doing it to play around with WordPress. I’m continuing to do this. Most of the things are “back end” administration type things. But this week I started to get more embarrassed by the default theme. So I messed around with the header. That goes a long way, getting rid of that slightly gradient blue blob up top. More changes soon.
Pay no attention to the header
I’m just playing around. I realize there is a faint trace of blue border…and I really don’t think it is all that attractive. I downloaded the GIMP image editing software and played for a couple of minutes. Tomorrow I’ll put together a header that is consistent with the brand.
By the way. I HAVE been musing online since about 1997. Starting on Tripod then moving the in 1999.
I just upgraded WordPress
So if things are pretty FUBAR here….shoot me an email. Thanks