Betsy thinks Joyce is awesome

To my dear sweet Joyce…

The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life.  Your dad & I had not picked out a girl’s name but as soon as I held you I knew you had to be my ‘Joyce’.  What a perfect name.  You brought such joy to our family. 

You were always a content and well behaved child (for the most part—I won’t mention your incident with the neighbors ‘big wheels or the time you & Danny helped each other out in a 5th grade Science test).  You always were eager to help both dad & me with household chores.  When you were four years old you would tell me “When I grow up I want to be your maid.”  I’m very happy that you developed higher aspirations.

Your childhood went way too fast—grade school, high school & college.  How proud I was of you and all of your accomplishments (which were many).  I also shared in your disappointments and sorrows. A life of leaning always has the good times and the bad times.  Again, how proud I am of you on how you grew and developed by being positive and not letting the heart aches get you down. Those experiences made you the generous & compassionate woman that you are.

In your wisdom, you chose a good man as your husband.  The two of you are raising four gentlemen.  Have I told you what a fantastic mother you are?  Your sons also bring a lot of joy into our lives.  They have their daddy’s good looks and their mother’s sense of adventure. They sure are blessed with good parents.

I wish you a very happy 40th birthday, my awesome girl, and God’s blessings on you all the days of your life.  Thank you for being my sweet Joyce. 



P.S.  Don’t want to depress you but when I was 40 my youngest child was 18!