The calendar flips
Midnight is a brand new start
Again, a new year.
Author: Matt Keough
Christmas presents
It is mid-December and the holiday is fast approaching. When you have four boys, none yet teenagers, Christmas is a time of great expectation.
My boys have taken to saying “I’m getting [insert gift here] for Christmas.” I don’t know if they have a great spy network, have been snooping in hiding places or have conducted better internet usage surveillance than Homeland Security. When I was young I never really thought I was going to get what I wanted or asked for. I was truly surprised Christmas morning.
I correct them by saying “You have ASKED for [insert gift here] for Christmas, we will have to see.” They just look at me like I’m clueless.
We will just have to wait and see. Personally, I’m gettin’ nuttin’ for Christmas.
A time for turning the page
One chapter closes
It is time to turn the page
What will happen next?
A very personal poem about a big change. Today was my last day working as an employee of Fathom. While I will work on a contract basis for some key accounts , I have launched my own consulting firm.
Bright Kestrel, Ltd. will help small businesses, nonprofits and churches improve their digital marketing.
The .htaccess poem
.htaccess file
Why do you bedevil me?
Oops! Bye bye website.
The file in question is integral to Apache web servers. It is can do wonderful things when letters, numbers, and certain characters are arranged in the correct order. It can also take down a website if the letters, numbers, and certain characters are not in the correct arrangement. The devil is always in the binary details.
They say you should “write what you know”. This, I know.
Feels like spring at last
Sunshine and blue skies
Kids are playing baseball games
Feels like spring at last
It is still cool, mind you. Just a couple of days until May.
What have we become?
Baltimore burning
Visions of hell on TV
What have we become?
I remember my mother telling us stories of the Hough Riots in Cleveland. Upon hearing them, I thought this sort of madness was in our past. Sadly, I was mistaken.
Of plastic grocery bags taking flight for short periods of time
Plastic bags in trees
Entwined with branches, dancing
They’ll never degrade.
I did a good bit of driving on highways this weekend and it seems that there is an epidemic of plastic grocery bags getting caught in the roadside bushes and trees. Some are so high that I doubt anyone will make the effort to remove them. The bags in the branches may outlive the branches. Sad thought.
Pat’s First Communion
A Poem for Willoughby South
A Poem for Willoughby South
Today the First Amendment was abused,
as a cudgel, it has been used.
Used to shut down a high school play,
a student opera to premier today.
Children practiced for weeks, for months,
but plans were dashed all at once.
A letter from lawyers was received,
its contents were not to be believed.
Desist your plans or actions will be taken!
Injunctions will be filed, don’t be mistaken!
Your grievous threat to freedom must be halted.
Church and State separation must be exalted.
Zealots against religion went medieval
upon hearing kids may ponder good and evil.
We can’t tolerate any hint of religiosity.
Freedom of speech for the secular, but not for thee!
The episode that inspired this entry occurred at South High School.
Coffee maker
A bleary-eyed need
the brewing relief
Who will clean the pot?
Filling the basket,
grounds delight me
I smell Colombian
Who will clean the pot?
Reduced and powerful liquid
changing state
to solid
Who will clean the pot?
This is a poem I found in my year 2000 planner. Sadly, I can confirm that coworkers are not any better at cleaning the office coffee pot in 2015.