Checking PO box
No, that check’s not in the mail
Bank tellers miss me
Checking PO box
No, that check’s not in the mail
Bank tellers miss me
Indians out west
The pro baseball team, that is
Up past my bedtime
Eighties cover band
Raffle winners will be picked
Carnies strike the tent
Hello opossum
It’s very nice to meet you
Please don’t run away!
Walking home happy
I won a big banana
That is what she said
Festival closing
Tweens titter as they disperse
Adults stumble past
Tires squeal in the street
Engines roar on motorbikes
Summer sounds are back
Tuesday, not Monday
The calendar is quite clear
Tell your co-workers
In the oak tree’s shade
Waiting for today’s parade
Counting my blessings
Baseball once again
It’s a nice day, let’s play two.
Making memories