Wearing crocs and socks
I’m not very elegant
My feet are comfy
Wearing crocs and socks
I’m not very elegant
My feet are comfy
Writing code today
I’m editing PHP
Pray and back up files
The year is half gone
I have not run out of poems
My muse keeps working
On days of heat and humidity
Grateful thoughts occur to me
For throughout most our history
As the temps would spike the mercury
We had no choice but sweltering
But now we enjoy electricity
Oscillating fans and max AC
We shut the windows and close the door
And keep the room at 64
Sun-baked golden grass
Even the clover is brown
Dormant, but not dead
The hottest new app
Pokemon GO is a craze
Who would have guessed it?
Summer sun and fun
Baseball fields and swimming pools
Days to remember
Summer brings the bugs
Most are harmless, they annoy
Landing in your hair.
I really don’t know what bugs were out in force at the ballpark today. My guess is Japanese beetles.
Looking up the bugs of Ohio can be cool and creepy all at once.
Looking for answers
Trying to fit facts neatly
Logic will fail you