Looking Like, Totally Eighties

This must be from about 1986 or 1987. The shadows make it look like I had a Kid ‘N Play. Not really. my hair casts a long shadow even when worn in a butch cut. I publish this for laughs, and to remind anyone of my generation just how cool we were when we combined the Wayfarers and the skinny tie. (Actually, they were cheap Wayfarer imitations.)

Looking Like a Kid at Christmas

I’m still looking for the image of me in my red Indians jersey. But the search has uncovered snapshots I had totally forgotten Not to mention the actual events pictured.

Here I am holding my new firetruck. There was a period when I was between three and five years old in which I was obsessed with firetrucks. I was fortunate, because there was an auxiliary firehouse on my street. It was used to store a spare truck and my mother had access to the building. She tells me she could just open the man door to the garage and I would be transfixed, staring at the truck. I still remember the smell of the rubber and canvas on the hoses. And the spiders. Good times.